Monday, April 17, 2017

A shell of a person

It was sexual assault.

This happened months and months ago and already consumed two blog posts (both of which were rather long). 

It was sexual assault.

It took me a therapist telling me that the lasting flashbacks and panic weren't me overreacting, and it wasn't my fault, and you had NO RIGHT to do that to me.

It took medications. It took counseling. It took months to realize.

It was sexual assault.

Unwelcome or force-able sexual advances of ANY KIND count.

The emotional abuse that followed counted.

The fact that the hardest part of finals week is having to be in a class with you, presenting in the front of the classroom and being able to see you from where I'm standing, knowing you'll be looking either at your phone or me. That counts.

It was sexual assault. 

The scars on my leg caused by me count.

The fact I am so hesitant to press publish because what if you find this, read about yourself, that counts.

I'm afraid of you. I don't feel safe. I have to make sure to walk to my classes a certain way, check both sides of the street before I cross it to make sure I don't have to see you. That counts.

The fact that I better hurry up and finish this post before my breathing gets too much faster-- it's still so triggering to think about. That counts.

It all counts. It was sexual assault.

I am a survivor of sexual assault, but that does not define me. I count.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Get where I'm coming from?

“She is messy, but she’s kind; she is lonely most of the time. She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie… She is gone, but she used to be mine” -Sarah Bareilles, She Used to Be Mine
            I live in a small town called Conformity, which is the capital of Happy. I am everything you’d expect me to be outwardly: modest, successful, resilient, happy. Stressed in all the right ways, focused, driven, spiritual, friendly, imperfect, supportive daughter/sister/RA/friend/whatever-you-need-me-to-be. Content to be single and first pick for the friend-zone team.
            They say this is where I’m from. But they don’t know I forged my birth certificate.
            I can’t tell people my true origins.
            I can’t disappoint people like that. I have learned I must be selfless, so I’ll listen while you talk and never weigh you down with my own baggage. I’ll be there for you through everything and we’ll thrive together in Conformity, Happy for the rest of our days.
            “Is this home? Is this where I should learn to be happy? Never dreamed that a home could be dark and cold. I was told every day in my childhood, even when we grow old: Home will be where the heart is, never were words so true. My heart’s far, far away- home is too.” -Home, Beauty and the Beast the Musical
            I try not to remember Hidden. I try not to remember Brainwashed. I try not to remember Used. I try not to remember Broken. Those places often star in my dreams, taunt me when I zone out or lose focus or when my strength starts to wane. I always think I’m past those horrible places, but somehow they keep coming back.
            Hidden. A place where regardless of my efforts, regardless of my achievements, regardless of my progress, I am largely unrecognized and shunted to the background. A place where my best friend is always superior and a place where I should be content, but for some reason I’m just not. Because I’ve spent SO MUCH TIME HERE. I am from Hidden. And I don’t want to be.
            Brainwashed. A place where a ten-year-old can be told she needs to lose weight because she’s bigger than the rest of the girls on her gymnastics team. A place where pain doesn’t matter until it’s a matter of life or death. A place where I spent eight years of my life, wondering why I felt like there was something missing until I finally looked at it from the outside. A place where other friends don’t tend to invite you to anything because you train 7 hours a day, five days a week. I am from Brainwashed. And I wish I’d realized where I was before it became too late.
            Used. Such an ugly place. I thought I had been through so much in this life; I had no idea that something so painful could come in such an appealing package. A place where promises in moments of heated emotion have no intention to be kept. A place where the word ‘no’ loses its meaning. A place where visible fear is taken to mean ‘more please.’ A place where I feel unsafe and suffocated and dirty and helpless and… A place where he didn’t even think twice. A place where he still says hi to me as if nothing happened, as if he doesn’t know the panic his proximity causes me. A place that has forced me to learn how to trust again- I’m still working on it. I am from Used. And I’m still trying to figure out how to leave for good.
            Broken. A place where it is so easy to look whole. A place where literal and metaphorical ideas are both completely accurate. A place where a spine cracks due to years of misuse, a place where ten doctors had differing opinions on how to fix it (though they all were pretty much unhelpful and frankly rude). A place where the one who was finally willing to help changed my life for one easy installment of thousands of dollars, a full year of recovery, two titanium rods, and four screws. A place where depression and anxiety are rampant simply because they know you will wait to do anything about them until it’s nearly too late. I am from Broken. And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men might need a little more help.
            Before Broken, before Used, before Brainwashed, before Hidden, before Conformity-
I am from Heaven.
            “I am a child of God, and He has sent me here. Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way- teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.”
            Heaven. A place where I knew all of these things would happen to me, but I still decided it was worth it. A place that is beautiful, peaceful, pure. A place where I knew my worth, my strengths, my weaknesses. A place where the fact that I’m ‘too innocent’ is actually a good thing. A place where I knew without a shadow of a doubt I would return to soon. A place where I knew my Heavenly Father, spoke to my Savior. A place I can’t wait to get back to. A place that I visit in times of hardship and pain. A place I will stop at nothing to return to. A place I don’t remember, but I know is real. A place that never ends.
            I am from Heaven.

            And nothing can change that.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Dear Santa:

I know I haven't written you in years.
I'm so sorry. I guess I have gotten caught up in my life and everything has been so crazy and I know all these are excuses and I'm sorry
I'm sorry for being naughty sometimes
I'm sorry for being ungrateful sometimes
I'm sorry for not believing in you.

I guess I should probably tell you what I want for Christmas, just like old times
I'd like to pass my finals please
I wouldn't mind a new pair of shoes
I'd say yes to money to pay for next semester
I want a puppy to cuddle with
And, if you don't mind,
I'd kinda like a person to cuddle with too

Dear Santa, I just want to be loved
I know that's not everything and
I know my time is coming and I'll meet him someday and
I know it'll happen eventually...
but I want someone to look at me the same way Jim looks at Pam
I want someone to care about me the same way Parker cares for Mallory
I know it's probably too much to ask but
I've been friend-zoned, cast off, ignored, manipulated, even assaulted
can I please
be loved?

I love you, Santa
I believe in you


Thursday, October 6, 2016

That took a turn

In continuing from the last post....

Dear Taylor:
You don't kiss a girl and ignore her for 3 weeks.
I get it, there are things you don't have control over. I may not know exactly how you feel but I can certainly empathize. But at the same time, you are mad that I assumed the worst but how in the heck was I supposed to know the weight of the world is on your shoulders? All I know is that I liked you, you kissed me, and you stood me up when we were supposed to talk about it. And you've been been completely hostile since.
You said you felt that I was putting all the blame on you. Sorry. But why, WHY did I walk out of that conversation with all of it on my back? You would know this by now if you cared to look, but I'm not very good with words in person. I get flustered when I don't feel safe. I felt so attacked, Taylor. You were looking at me with such hatred and throwing out bullets so fast I couldn't get one word out.
And you made me care about you again. I spent the weekend alone, anxious and plain numb because of what you did to me. But you skipped right back, made me feel horrible about myself, and then made me feel bad for you. I let you hug me. The worst part is that I didn't want you to let go. How twisted is that.
I'm spiraling, Taylor. I've gone deep before but never this deep. I haven't gone a day in a full two weeks without crying. I can't even take a nap without thinking about all the things I should have said. I literally had a panic attack in class today just because you were there and I'm am idiot because I still feel like I need to impress you. I get it, I'm only 18 and I have so much time to find the one. But that's not what third is about. I just want to feel sufficient. I just want to feel loved.
Now before you run off, let me explain that you're not all that special. It's not all about you. It's about how not one guy has ever treated me well. Yes, my dad has, but you know what I man. Every time I tell myself 'he would never hurt me like that' and "This time he's different' but somehow I'm the easiest to manipulate, to use. And I want to know why.
You used me. You manipulated me. You ignored me (yes, I know, I get it. Your circumstances. But stop for just a second and try to think of mine.) But guy#1 did all those things too. Same goes for #2, #3, all of them. After following the trend, the only logical thing is that something about me is completely repellant.
So I get it. I'm sorry. I get that you don't have complete control over what's stopping you from reaching out.
But I don't have complete control over what's literally crushing me either.
Maybe one day we'll be friends. Maybe I won't panic when I see you anymore. Maybe you'll learn how to treat women and maybe, someday, I'll be treated like I matter.
I hope the kiss was all you had hoped for. I hope it was worth it to you.
Because so far that kiss has completely unhinged me.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

my first time

Making out.
gah I hate those two words when put together.
Like, I was going to put that as my title, but then I couldn't bear the thought of titling a blog post making out.
It's disgusting. I feel like such a horrible person. But I shouldn't, right? It's not a sin, right? Nothing inappropriate happened, right?
I didn't even reciprocate that part of it, right? I wasn't the one doing the moving, that was all you dude. he must think I'm literally the worst, I just kinda sat there. I just kinda sat there and let it happen.
Maybe it's just because that is definitely not what I expected to happen.
Maybe it's just because it's been a loooong time since I've really kissed someone.
Maybe it's just because it caught me way off guard that a guy who I had a huge crush on actually went for it.
Maybe it freaked me out that the first one wasn't soft and hesitant like I thought it was going to be.
Maybe my anxiety is just too much.
Maybe it's just because he never actually said that he liked me.

he never said that he liked me.

am I just some relief or fix because he needed to kiss someone, ANYONE? Because if that's the case buddy, I'm sure there are plenty of girls on campus who actually know how to kiss and are more than willing to be your toy.
I just can't fathom the dismal amount of respect he must have for me, to have just gone for it so fast like that. It's like Harrison all over again. I even told him when we were talking about relationships that I'd much rather have someone ask me if they could kiss me than having them just do it. And yet... here we are. Launched at my face.

I should be over the moon, right?
I've been wanting to kiss a guy for the past few months now. I've wanted a guy in my life, cried that I didn't have one.
I totally like him. Liked him? I don't know. I think I still like him. I'm just confused. And a horrible kisser.
But isn't this exactly what I wanted?
What I may or may not have prayed for? (Thanks for giving me exactly what I wanted... now dial it back a little???) My own fault.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm just so curious to see what he does now.
because I just know that he won't talk to me anymore. He won't want to get to know me or pursue anything or want to do fun coupley things like dancing in the rain or going on a picnic, stuff that doesn't include kissing. He won't want to learn how to help me through panic attacks and he won't let me get to know him. He'll either want to stay friends with benefits (NO SIR THAT WILL NOT FLY), or pretend like nothing happened at all. because that's just what happens with me.

but something that isn't confusing to me is that I love talking to him and how much he makes me laugh.
something that doesn't confuse me is that I love his smile, his sarcastic quips, his little quirks, his exclamations.
something that doesn't confuse me is the way he hugged me when dropping me off, that he sheepishly waved and said 'We'll figure this all out, I promise' and then shut the door.

something I do know is that when he's not confusing me,
I really do like him.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Welcome to BYU!

Hi, I'm Tiffany, your RA for this term. RA stands for Resident Assistant- but you can think of me as a cheerleader, a friend, a big sister, a resource, and a support to you in the next coming months. Let's not talk about the fact I'm only barely 18, younger than half of you here. Instead let's focus on how I can help YOU succeed.
BYU Police has a really cool program called Safe Walk- if it's dark outside and you don't want to get assaulted (yes, safest campus out there, crap still happens): simply call 801-422-2222 and they'll escort you wherever you need to go on campus. Let's not talk about the fact I've never used it myself.
BYU offers its students free counseling services- which I highly recommend. Remember, your health is more important than anything else. Let's not talk about how I had the biggest panic attack tonight- I'm an RA, therefore I am stable and never show my anxiety. Let's not talk about how self conscious I feel about my weight and size- you all look so beautiful the way you are.
This is how to get along with your roommates- let's not talk about how I'm the worst example of knowing how to openly communicate.
Now, I know it can be intimidating to be surrounded by RM's and such. Remember, college is a time to let yourself have fun! Let's not talk about how I shut down the first possible relationship possibility that happened here. But learn how too be clear when you set your boundaries. Let's not talk about how he may think I'm interested.
Let's not talk about how completely unqualified I am to hold authority over you guys. I went to training, played the fun little getting to know you games.
How about let's just not talk at all.
Welcome to the #1 ranked stone cold sober school for years now. Have fun- but not too much fun!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I prefer the juvenile literature section.

I wonder if I'll ever be important enough for someone to write my biography.
If I am, I've got some stipulations.

It can't be boring. Nothing about my life is particularly exciting, but my readers don't need to know that.
Let's not bog it down with details, either. I'd rather out be written like a story. An engaging, relateable-character-filled narrative.
It better be written by someone who actually knows me- and knows me well. That way, it'll be accurate.
It shouldn't make me seem like a person I'm not, for better or for worse.
I'd like there to be humor. I'm not all that funny but things that happen to me could be looked at that way.
I hope there's romance. But I guess that's more of a life goal in general.
My friend's lives should be recorded as well (although, if I somehow become famous, guaranteed it's because they were first. My friends always raise me up in so many ways.)
It cannot skim over my faith. It cannot lessen the degree of gratitude I have for the church and it's teachings. I'm sorry, but it cannot be impartial. It has to show that I would have nothing, be nothing, without the gospel and without my Savior.
I hope the overall effect is that I'm not perfect- not even close- but that I'm doing my absolute best I can do.

I wonder if I'll ever be important enough for someone to write my biography.
I don't really want to write an autobiography.
But.... I think I still might.