Sunday, November 22, 2015

I'm too Motzart to wear plaid anymore

When everyone was listening to indie music,
I was waltzing to opera.
When everyone was rocking out to rap music,
I was belting along to show tunes.
When everyone was screaming over boy bands,
I was crying while listening to ballads.

My music is different.
I am different.
Slower, calmer, less sure
but maybe more sure at the same time.

When everyone was analyzing hip hop videos
I was watching contemporary dances.
When everyone was krumping on the dance floor
I was practicing my ballet positions.

Standing apart from everyone,
I can appreciate and enjoy their music
but mine is usually too boring for them
and that's okay.

When everyone was writing metaphors
I was writing rants
and when everyone was getting 'mm's' and snaps
I was getting nods
and when I read what you guys write I get so jealous
at your handle on language and imagery.

I don't write like everyone else.
I write like me.
And that's totally okay.
Because I waltz to opera
and ballads make me cry
and I will always love show tunes.
and my writing will always be mine.


  1. I just really love the title, be a dope band name or song lyric or somthing (not Matt mortsen bye just can't figure out how to get his name off my commets)

  2. I love the idea here. You've been an awesome writer, can't wait for the reveal

  3. and that's okay.

    yes, yes it is.
