Friday, November 27, 2015

So... now what?

Now that popularity is nonsense
and everyone is so much deeper than we thought
and names are just names; it's what's written that resonates
now what?

Now that we're meeting people for the first time
all over again
and now that we're expressing just how much we all love eachother
and now that the blogs finally mean something again
Now what? 

What will happen when we see each other at school? 
What will happen when we pass in the halls? 
What will happen when we meet in person? 
How will things be different? 
How will they be the same? 

What do we do now? 


  1. now that we've stripped away the pen names and left our names underneath with all of our raw stuff, hopefully we'll remember that everyone's a person. we've all got fears and flaws and we're all falling in and out of love and trying our best and doing things we never thought we do. hopefully we'll look past the stereotypes and make friends face to face with the people we've /really/ met online.
    i guess what i'm trying to say is... hopefully all of this will really, really mean something and make a difference.

    or maybe it won't.

    but it means something right now and i think it'll have an impact whether we see it or not.

  2. this whole post is like what went through my head every time I thought about revealing this year. it's scary and things will be different. but hopefully things will change for the better. seeing that everyone goes through a lot of crap, and there is so much more to every single person than what we see on the surface, things should be better. I guess we'll see soon..

  3. amen to this post!

    side note: after i read your reveal it go me thinking. do you remember in like third grade when we were friends and we did craft play dates at each others houses?

    1. Oh my gosh yes! !! And we played with an easy bake oven too? I loved when we did those little play dates!!!! Let's do that again.

  4. Personally, I'm gonna see some one in the halls and call them by their pen name lol

    But this a super good and real post. I've been thinking about this too.

    We need to meet up at school or something
