Saturday, December 26, 2015

Not exact exactly rhetorical

How am I going to tell my kids they can't get that toy because mommy's medical bills cost too much?

How am I going to tell my husband that if he wants to be able to talk to me in the future, he better learn ASL just in case?

How am I going to raise kids in this terrifying world, convince them that it's not me that's the bad guy?

How am I going to explain to my husband why I was breathing so hard and crying for no reason?

How am I going to be able to tell my kids it'll be okay?

How am I going to tell my future husband that our kids might be just like me?

Can I just freeze time?


  1. Sounds cheesy but Love is the answer. If your husband really loves you, your deafness won't matter, and the possibility that your kids will be deaf won't matter either.

  2. ^^^^
    I'd love my mom even if she had a medical condition. Wouldn't you?

  3. The right man won't care. Trust me. My girl has anxiety, and I think I admire her more knowing that and seeing how strong she is through it all.

  4. I can't imagine loving my mom any less for a medical condition, or thinking of anyone as the bad guy for one.
